Dr. Olga Degtyareva

Dr. Olga Degtyareva



First job: Receptionist at Veterinarian Office

Why Dental Field? My mother is a denist, so I spent a lot of my childhood at a dental office – observing, assisting, answering phones, etc. I witnessed first hand the transformation and impact a smile can have on a person’s life and I couldn’t wait to be able to do that myself.

Hobbies: Spending time with my family, gardening, horseback riding, and putting puzzles together.

What is something people don’t know about you? I’ve saved a life! When my little sister was a toddler, she was choking on a plum pit, I performed the Heimlich maneuver on her and watched that thing fly out of her mouth.

What is your favorite food? I love sweets – pastries and cakes that are light and fluffy are the best.

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